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Friday, March 20, 2009

went zirca on wed with zen, bhavin and sangeev..been a long tym since i went clubbing..really mis the times.. we decide on zirca cuz we four never been to zirca b4 and it's has the conception of being a slutty club..so we were lyk hey y not?okie, the performances by the ang mor za bo were okie..(jason 你的菜lei)(小护士服somemore) but the acrobrats were awesome..not easy to perform at all..music were at best average.. n it lyk zirca caters abit more to the twenties cuz they actually have those abit kink themes on certain other days except on ladies nite... it was lyk i was literally dancing with 22,23 year old gals..i dun really care though... den i saw my clubbing de 菜..(i kinda had enough of 学校里的乖乖牌的宝贝们, 换换口味也不错) ..wow she was literally grinding every guy who dance with her... haha..她真的像阳光般如此耀眼,就如她的笑脸... but the irony is that i didnt grind her but others!! FUK! cuz i didnt have the courage to go up the elevated platform to dance a little sexy close up with her... the courage i nid is missing.. (my courage is only stucked in the dance floor)..i really duno y..i just got mesmerised by the way she moves her body..FUCKING SEXY.. it could have been i'm out of touch after not gone clubbing since my NS days..n dis will be my last time going ladies nite for the next 4 months cuz i'm officially posted to signals (the one in which i went through a hell lot of tests and even a mentally challenging poly graph whereby ur unhappy past is being dug out).. 4 months can be short, can be long..i really duno.. n tat probably means my record will extend to 10 months without a gf, 4 months without ladies nite (ie a lady in my nite..LOL)... SIAN SIA...

dreamed at 7:33 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Everytime i tink back this BMT, i will seriously miss it..from the fun i had with my bunk mates especially boon kiat whom we keep poke fun of each other..to gabriel showing his ass crack to impersonate naim , to jasper trying to gay with me when the fact tat both of us is super straight.. haha.. those were the days.. cant believe this words are actually coming from my mouth.. i especailly rmb the times we got punished together..it was no fun at tat time, but tinking back those times , if it hadnt been such times, would our bonds still have strengthened till tis thick? i really duno.. this kind of feeling is very unique, how do i describe it? it's not exactly like how i miss all my exs when we first broke up..(dere's a pain element inside it) it's also not like the relationships with kakis like qh, ck, jason, kel, mich , manda , fish and hy.. (since it's like 我们已经超出了好朋友的境界to a whole new level)..aiya..cant describe it la... it's like i will miss seeing them but not miss them.. GOSH, wad the hell am i saying?? LOL.. most prob all of us gonna be posted to new units.. so that army chalet may well prob be the last tym we c each other... hey guys, just rmb, once a bro, always a bro.. N last but not least, rmb? VIPER!! haha... went open house with kel n qh 2dae.. was late cuz nid comb my hair (can u believe it?!) the talk was pretty dry, i mean lecturers are all lyk tat).. found some courses i may be interested in.. well, i dun have much to choose from given my limited ability.. haha.. N kel n qh thought i was trying to 把a senior..LOL.. do i look tat despo? Ya la, 6 months has passed with no gf la, but i'm still not so despo hor.. really... haha.. n gosh, city hall is packed likehell most prob cuz IT fair.. (qh has photo as proof)...so we decided to go home.. a fruitful day to say at least...

dreamed at 5:04 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009

I must say..it's kind of "weird" day for me..c i cant even noe which word to use so i have to put "weird"..lol..well, it's like that..i was outside walking around n sun bian c wad i can get for my colleages....lazing around since i dun have to work...den i saw jess n her bf.. of coz la, i dun noe hu is he la..but is just kind of odd i feel.. n the irony is tat i was watching 大学生了没, there was one qn about a couple while dating saw the gal's ex..wad will u do.. n i admit the taiwan graduates sure do give creative ans..none of the scenarios came out cuz i chose the loser way out..tat is to avoid them upon catching a glimpse of them.. dam loser rite? ya i noe.. didnt even noe if she saw me or not..it's not lyk i has not forgotten her or wad..but i just feel it's funny and mayb there could be a sense of awkwardness lor..hey, wad u expect me to say?! "hey, tat was my ex, we broke up becuz i fell for another?" No way rite?at tat instant, i just turned my head n walked the other direction..felt lyk a dam loser rite now..couldnt even pluck up the courage... mayb it was the bf..i dunoe.. mayb it's a good thing to go in army at the 28th.. i mean 感情的俗事我都已经不再留恋/渴望了,hey, i even quitted drinking n clubbing.. dun ask me y..i duno y oso... 所以所有舞池里的ladies,切记,不是每个男生都会像我这样,will willingly send a drunken lady back to HER OWN home n not some other weird places (i tink u noe wad i mean)... cuz jon yong is never the type of guy tat takes advantages of gals when she's down.. that just not me.... as for now.. i really had a meaningful tym dis month..found a job at IP..people dere were quite nice though i simply dun like their smoking habits..n i've been spending alot of tym with the guys n mich n manda.. ( we just had a "farewell" dinner for me last wed..it's was kinda of cool")..so here to wish everyone a early Happy CNY..May all of everyone's wishes come true... n so long..farewell to all till i book out from tekong with my new "cool" hairstyle...

dreamed at 7:06 AM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

last post was suppose to be my gao bie zuo..but guess i really have to blog bout dis funni thing yesterdae..kel,qh. jason n me went movie in morning as we were w8ing for ck for his tuition to end.. so caught ip man (the brother of ip zone..lol)pretty cool movie la..kinda of remind me of huo yuan jia...the fighting scences were very cool...after tat, ck suggest suggesting going to warehouse to see clothes..the warehouse were lyk so small la..zzz....so in the end bought nothing..o guys, next wed vacate that day if possible, we do shopping again..after that,jason went home since he's sick, the rest play madjong at ck house..kel 一家输三家,i'll tell u why..他把一索(小鸟)看成one of the animal 花..tat y i was wondering y was that yi suo on the table..n y kel bu hua when he had no hua..i couldnt stop laughing man..n all of us were lyk saying whn we throw 一索out, we will say 那,花..haha..but lucky we play small..so we win little, kel lose little lor...(we poor kids leh)..went hougang mall eat cafe cartel...den we bought a birthday cake for him cuz today is his birthday leh...(somekind of pre-celebration lor)n lastly, to end dis off, kelvin, happy 19th birthday!!

dreamed at 4:54 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008

i understand i cannot be selfish anymore..i shouldnt let any more ppl suffer any more hurt.. i dun wan them to go through the same thing again.. no way.. even the two of them, i noe haven really totally forgotten the hurt i singled-handly gave to them..duno wad happen to them lately, by constantly rejecting my calls, u tink i dunoe u're trying to avoid me meh? But FOR FUCK?! wad the hell? r u trying to deliver bak the same hurt i caused u back then.. well then, u achieved that.. 我都可以独自为你承受孤独, wad's more do u still wan? in both cases, i admitted i made mistakes..but lyk wad zen said, some tym girls takes a very long tym to really put down a hurt.. but y FUCK is their character so FUCKED up? forgive n forget, let's move on, cant we..even normal frens? why both two somemore?! 难道你们真的要恨过才ok吗? den wad's the point of me keeping dis blog add? i still rmb the first link theloveof2j was to commemorate my first love, the one that gave me the best ever love n care in the whole world... when sure enough, when we break, i change the blog link to girlsaretroublesomeyetsupercute, cuz i was really upset over that tym, but when i rmb the cute n sometimes pretty silly stuff she will do to spice up my life just makes me wanna say girls r cute at the same time they r troublesome.. as for the current link, i forgot about the reason, but i tink it got to do with my second relationship being like a illusion, a short n sweet one where there's always a happy ending..but i was brought bak (or should i say i crashed back) to the real world by the harsh reality...it's real, not an illusion, n it ended just abruptly just like when u suddenly woke up from a dream.... mayb i blog again when i change the address one more tym when i.......

okie, unhappy stuffs aside, since so many ppl has blog about dis year being the last one n stuff, i just thought how bout dis, let's do a class review! haha.. sounds kinda of cool.. first on the list: Chu Yan..hm..wad can i say? first word on the mind : "monster"! not that she's scary though; she really is a nice girl. just that she's has a model 173 height makes the second highest in our class..(is it she that is extraordinary tall or is our class simply just short).. saw her at butter factory,has to admit; she's a stunning beauty that day.. and with heels, even more "scary"..hey chu yan, pls give me your height! haha...

Okie moving on, clive... haha..happy go lucky guy who loves clubbing the way i do... haha...next tym, let's do a graveyard and AK together, promise? got 眉眉can oso recommend..haha...

Okie next is yu bin.. hm... a quiet girl who never forget about fun when the need calls for it.. i noe, ppl tinks she's a mugger, well she's really not one..she's the type that if 跟你很熟的话,可以跟你聊得无边无际,不熟的则比较冷谈... kit says she's bossy during PW, dun really tink so though upon noeing her better.. hah..

Okie moving on, xuan qi.. this kind of girl,内心是温柔的,外壳是冷的,ie.外冷内热的女生..ppl say she's a 冰山, but seriouly i dun noe where this nick came over...虽不是热情的沙漠,但也不至于冷酷无情的冰山...she's really friendly and enjoyable to talk to and the type that 不怕自嘲的女生...ok, she look cool n devoid of emotion when she's get serious, (hey sometimes i really got "scared" by her) but hey, her smile is really beautiful n she really help me alot along the way... my chem without miss lee n her will have collapsed long ago... Miss heng, if my chem really did score well for As, i owe u a meal promise..

Moving on, jocelyn. my PW leader..lots to say, first: her leadership: i give her 100, cuz she managed to convince a nobody like me to work and push for my grades..initally i really thought pw is a stupid subject... and her efforts is worth 101 marks..if the rest of us gave 100 of our efforts, she'll will always be giving someting extra.. that's y she's our leader... good vision from mr loo..haha.. n she's the type that almost never fails to repy me instantly when i got urgent tings to ask..well unless her fone is out of batt...haha...

Next up Gou Gou aka coli..u wan call her cauli as in cauliflower oso can.. she''ll just Sin 9 (hokien for 撒娇)back to u.. yes, there's crtics of her, but ppl, she's really not that bad as u ppl make out.. just ask zai... haha... really... though till this day, i still cant understand y she loves going to C.C. to study..does it really help? mayb it work for her.. haha..

Moving on, charlene..really noe her since the first star kayak course..in school, didnt really spend a lot of tym toking to her...but she's the type of girl that can hang out with almost everyone.. becuz her charcter? may she consider all those she noes as her frens and so barriers are eliminated...

Jon lin, a really nice guy who help me alot too..hey afterall, he's smarter den me wad... n the type of guy whose girlfren will feel very lucky cuz he's the kind of guy hu will 疼他的女朋友..if only i were half as caring as him...sigh...

Li Lin..a sweet and innocent girl... once spread rumour about jason n her.. cuz of a sentnce she innocently said...really tells u about her character... haha.. wooks really hards as well in everything (studies, CCA,PW, play etc..) , if she's a player in FM (football manager), she's be the type that has workrate 20...

Yong kit, the best football player in our class without a doubt,, afterall, he even play with hariss harun b4.. how cool is tat...n he always do things with a big smile, this gave me the hope that life's simple and beautiful..life is filled with optimism and hope afterall! n seriously, the 200808 incident wasnt really intentional..

Moving on. Jie Ying ..the smartie in our class.. her academic acheivements is simply too much for me to say evrything here..n she's the selfless type hu never fails to share wad she noes with her frens.. n i tell, she really look gorgeous when i saw her butter fac.if not for clive caling out to her, i probably couldnt recognise her.. 女大十八变?haha...

Bao xian.. one of the three nomines for 酷妹of the class... play real good basketball, next tym teach me basketball will u? haha....her sportig character just make her fun to hang out with...

Serena, a huge contender to be considered as the 玉女of the class, although wy may have something to say about that.. she the type of girl that 散发出古典美,just like Apple from 黑girl (formerly known as 我爱黑涩会)..

Speaking of gu dian mei, mayb berlinda can be considered as well.. or is it becuz she is in gu zhen oso...that i tink both of them 散发古典美? tink it play a part though.. didnt really tok much to her.. cuz she in my impression seem like a quiet girl, mayb that becuz i'm not really very close to her.. haha...

Benjamin, one of the fun guys that just seem cool to hang out with.. movies, bowl, pool all's cool.. but BIG NO to Kbox n clubs.. one of the 乖乖牌男生in class... parent abit stricter i guess.. so unlike me.. 他的好才会显现出我的坏.. that it's true though.. no wonder i got a lousy impression for others..haha

Jason Ong, known him since sec 3..has been quarelling since the first day we known, guess that's our form of communicating medium.. help with alot too in printing stuffs..(just go ask him he sure go alot to say)..loves his frens more den his girlfren..(hey w8, he doesnt hav a girlfren yet..hey jason, jia you ah, Ur destined one is waiting for u) 若找到适合的,就放胆去追吧,别管自己身高了啦,not all girls care too much about height..只要不要像牵猩猩就好了..切记你是帅哥leh...and rmb when u strike toto, dun forget me hor...

Shu Wen, another huge favourite for 酷妹of the class... further strengthened my belief of that when i saw her at post prom.. 简直是帅呆了..and to tink 帅 isnt a vocab in my list used to describe a girl.. simply speak volume about her 帅ness...

Wen ting, spend only a year noeing her,,really short as all of us bz preparing our As lvl.. how i wish tym could turn back, allow me to noe her better..

Grace..from her name, can tell she's a graceful person..although clumsy at times.. another sweet looking girl.. 邻家女孩的称号或许最适合她... another one whom i didnt really got to understand better..regret regret...

Shu ming the last contender for 酷妹of the class... really has her own attitude... kinda of cool i will say.. especially dislike nathan haha..cuz in her post she thx all teachers but nathan... haha.. she's the type outspoken one n dun fear any consequences one... a real courageous one indeed.. 酷毙了! haha..

Wan Yin.. the 号称150的小女生...small in size, big in heart... an absolutely must to have in ur frens list..cuz she's the type that u can tease all day n she never gets angry..haha...

Gek Hui... stands for 菊花,and the way miss lee says her name simply wanna make me laugh... another small girl that has huge aspirations ie i wanna grown tall.. aiyo... haven u all heard one saying 高的女生美,矮的女生可爱吗? 你看杨丞琳,可爱教主,也只不过才160 吗... haha...

Jasper... an good option to have when u're a pub fanatic like him... strictly no to clubs though cuz he dun like dancing.. abit like ben in this sense.. haha.. always help me out when i encounter problems.. call him the problem solver man...n seriously i still cant recall where i saw that girl in zinc b4.. so familar yet so stranger.. haha...

Last but not least, zainul..he's had a rough season this year.. being diagnosed with cancer..but his determination n courage to fight on really impresses me.. his courage to defeat the illness really aspires me n makes me believe with sheer determination, nothing is really impossible...lost some of his spark when's he down, but now's he's back healthy..the old fun to be zainul is back!

okie, all done and dusted.. this could well be my 告别作.....

dreamed at 7:07 AM

Friday, December 5, 2008

wew..finally gotten my split spade deck first edition..lucky lucky me... first edition somemore..how rare is tat? well, very...when will actually have the chance to get the first original pile that was produced? the last brand new set somemore..haha ..till now..我连开都不舍得开呢... n i got the chance to get tatto joe, one of the hottest trick that will blow ppl minds away...

n i thought a pretty neat way to use it..cuz u c, this is one the most 屌way to give ur number..make it appear, den disappear, how cool is that? it's way more original n creative than just sayin hey lady can i have a number? pretty much work for girls oso..well, u c, seen ppl done that b4 ... haha..i simply love magic..haha

dreamed at 6:35 AM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ok, exam over le, should be real happy right..got lots of freedom liao..but that doesnt seem the case leh..ppl harping over 那些有的没得的事...i really hate it when ppl tell me going to pubs n clubbing is no good for u.. i was like wtf is rong with all of u..什么兵变,loads of bullcrap... 让我小弟在这里教你,Rule no. one: 出来玩的,没有人是玩真的,so wad's the big deal of breaking up? 大家都是出来玩的,玩玩就好,谁也不用对谁负责就是...well u get my point.... me gonna be sad? no way in hell man...n jason, u should stop fearin fr ur future..cuz u gonna own me a meal at swensen (well u c, we make a bet if jason got all either A or B for his result, he gonna treat me to swensen n i'm confident i m gonna wi the bet)..so stop all ur crap of "die liao la, 我完了" chant.. u're not gonna be dead dude...ok, time to go as it's time to go party..

dreamed at 2:58 AM

Jon Yong in the house.. J is for Jon, Y is for Yong..LOL-
Illusions are cute u noe.... Learn to treasure them

Stay happy n tag!


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